Saturday, 26 March 2016

Love Surrendered

I flew with the clouds and the birds were my companions.
All I needed was the remembrance of your smile. That was enough for me.
The sound of your voice and the echo of you laugh warmed my heart.
The gentle warmth of your touch was fire to my soul.
We were as ill matched as they come; you were the eagle and I was an ordinary fish.
I could not come to you for I would suffocate in your environment and you would drown in mine.
The feelings waned. As time progresses I still remember you, with fondness and love.
Time has forced me to store my feelings in the library of my soul’s history.
My love for you is as constant as the morning star.
A precursor of sensational things to come.
You opened my heart to love.
All I have left is the tugging of my memories. The constant pull of the future drags me from the remembrance and hurtles me into the here-and-now.
We were destined to fall apart, my striving for new vistas and new horizons would have left you behind.
I need new challenges like a fish needs water.
You were not so keen; you were happy to remain with the status quo.
I could never leave this world alone. I saw a need that I could fill and I needed to fill it.
This call beckons me to root out the evil that has caused this need.
I needed someone that could work alongside me.
Someone that shares my burdens.
For anyone else I would do them more hurt then good.
My call will take the first priority in my life always.
You deserved better my love; with my love I released you.
I know it hurt you for me to end it but a little pain now over a lot of pain later.
Without you I never would have realised what love is.
Without you my life would have been empty
For that, I thank you.

I only hope that I left you with a gift just as valuable.

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